A Shining Star

Created by hazeldenise60 9 years ago
I have known Martin for about 12 years, a lot of the time as his partner, he got me involved with re-enactments, he was very passionate about everything and he gave 100% to anything he undertook. He loved it - From the Civil War (when he was younger) to his recent Naval re-enactments with the Wavy Navy - We did "Allo Allo" he was Winston Churchill, Hercule Poirot, all to help raise funds for Blind Veterans, He loved being anything in the Navy from a Matelot to an officer he became whatever character he was playing at the time, he was a lovable rogue. Another great passion of his was the North York moors steam railway for which he was a volunteer for many years, but he would say his greatest achievement was his son Liam whom which he was very proud. I simply loved Martin and miss him a great deal, I am proud to have been his partner and his memory will live on. Hazel Leathley, Pontefract.